"The vision is only available to the impeccable warrior.
Strengthen your spirit and become one."
C. Castaneda
In the shamanic chronicles, there are light and dark arrows in our symbolic quiver, that we throw out when we react to events happening around us. Among the dark arrows that we launch are our painful attachments, dependencies, expectations, comparisons, judgments, the needy child syndrome, and finally, the darkest arrow - Ego and self-importance.
The light arrows of self-awareness, self-confidence, self-acceptance, self-love, self-actualization, and, finally, the brightest arrow in our arsenal, impeccability, are directly opposed to our Ego.
People who are in the grip of their own Ego can be easily recognized by the following phrases: "It will be my way or no way...", "I would never do that/I always do it this way...", "This is my world, I live like this, and you all have to accept it."
In everyone's life, there are tiny and big tyrants who endlessly annoy us or gently touch our nerves to keep us in shape. Below are just some of the most common ones:
Weather: too hot, too cold, why is it raining, the wind messed up the new haircut, etc.
Time - there is never enough time, too much free time, I'm late, they're late, because of you I wasted a lot of time, you shamelessly stole my best years...
Internal dialogue - you'll never be able to do it, people like you are eternal losers, better sit still, remember the last time you wanted a change, your best years are long gone, accept it...
People around us - family, loved ones, friends, bosses, colleagues, subordinates, children, store clerks, rude officials, perky priests...
Situations and circumstances - traffic, long lines, repairs, construction, relocation, favorite team loss, the dog peeing on the carpet again, rudeness in public transport...
Undoubtedly, if we seek answers to all questions in the surrounding world and wait for it and its numerous inhabitants to unconditionally satisfy all our needs and meet our expectations, the tyrants will continue to pursue us and mercilessly twist our already shaky nerves. How can we change our lives if we constantly and painfully react to all the events happening in it and are in a so-called constant reaction mode to life and its events?
But... wait, we actually do have the power to choose our reaction to the events happening in life. Our choice turns into an action that colors our perception. Thus, the seven light arrows come to life. The choice is always ours.
Just imagine a situation in which we all release the light arrows of self-awareness, self-confidence, self-acceptance, self-love, self-actualization into the surrounding world?! And finally, we choose the arrow of impeccability that destroys the dark arrow of Ego and self-importance, by which our tyrants bully us and we get stuck in the process of self-destruction.
The impeccability of the Warrior - a complete opposite to our small, inflated and important Ego; possessing the gift of impeccability, we strive to be impeccable in everything and with everyone, stepping over our own importance.
The arrow of impeccability leads us to our main goal - self-realization at the spiritual (nagual) level and the inner freedom of the Warrior. Getting there we stop depending on external circumstances and stop being the puppet of our tyrants regardless of time, place, or circumstances. We stop living in a constant reaction to the surrounding world, we become the world within ourselves. We also choose not to take ourselves and life too seriously.
We start following the universal cosmic law: minimum effort - maximum efficiency, in other words, we learn to distribute our life force energy in the way that leads to conscious, balanced, and relaxed life. We start channeling our life energy into the desired purpose without meaningless and unnecessary wing flaps and energy losses for various trivial reasons.
The arrow of impeccability helps us start living by the laws of Dharma, learning to create joyfully for the Universe, overcoming our small Ego, and becoming the cause, not the effect of events, while at the karmic level, we live by the laws of Karma, that is, overcoming boundaries and learning through a lot of pain and suffering.
By being in Dharma, we move towards enlightenment through self-awareness, creation and knowledge of the surrounding world, not just by pain and suffering, as in Karma.
And finally, having learned to release the light arrow of impeccability and overcoming our self-importance, thus defeating our Ego, we embark on the path of the Warrior of Light and receive as a gift the Rainbow arrow - true abundance and prosperity.
Having achieved personal well-being and embodied our small dream, we finally accumulate enough energy to fully open up and trust the Universe, becoming an integral part of the collective or universal dream. We are able to give away our light and beauty as a gift, and something unexplainably Divine begins to nourish us with its rainbow energy and purest love, opening the way to true spiritual enlightenment. Such is the miracle.